KLEIN IS narrative.
KLEIN IS local.
KLEIN IS simple.
KLEIN IS legacy.

KLEIN IS narrative.
KLEIN IS local.
KLEIN IS simple.
KLEIN IS legacy.

klein is a maker of unique, collectible, furniture and spaces.

klein is a maker of unique, collectible, furniture and spaces.

Combining inovative manufacturing techniques with
unique crafted narratives,
klein brings a sense of fantasy into the home.

Combining inovative manufacturing techniques with
unique crafted narratives,
klein brings a sense of fantasy into the home.

we found balance on the left coast.
california. transplanted from belgium.
klein crafts furniture and spaces with four ideas in mind.

we found balance on the left coast.
california. transplanted from belgium.
klein crafts furniture and spaces with four ideas in mind.

makers of unique, collectible, furniture and spaces

© 2024 KLEIN